Friday, January 18, 2008

Chris Bosh, Vote For Me: A-

Somehow my associate failed to write about this after raving about it in his own blogs. Perhaps he forgot, or perhaps he doesn't consider it an ad. But an ad it is. "Best thing about it is, you think it's $20? No sir."

The fact that Bosh went out and made a YouTube video asking fans to vote for him is brilliant. There are some fan-made YouTube videos pleading for votes for their favorite players, but to my knowledge Bosh is the only one who went the extra mile, grabbed a camcorder, a cowboy hat and a faux redneck accent to garner votes. The mock used-car salesman act isn't quite perfect, but you have to appreciate the effort. He even gives a nod to his Canadian fans with a Boxing Day mention.

"Fillin out these ballots is easy as cow tipping. Ain't that right, Bubba?"

I feel like there's a little something missing (hence the A-), but I can't put my finger on it.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

You're right, I didn't connect the dots to consider this an ad. Definitely an A+.

"No ma'am"!
