Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunsilk -- Famous Stars' Hair

The Mouth:
Every year you get at least one advertiser during the Super Bowl who thinks, "No one else is targeting women, this is my chance to have them all to myself." I have no idea if this works or not, but I like the thinking--millions of women stuck on couches, forced to watch football, diddling with their hair wishing someone would pay attention to them. Perfect time for a shampoo ad! Unfortunately, this year's woman ad kind of sucks. It didn't feel "big" or "fresh" enough to compete with the other ads around it. I guess it has star power, but I don't think you can ever clearly see their hair. And isn't that what you want to show off with shampoo? I mean, if life was reduced to three colors and desaturated, we'd all look awesome. D+.

The Hawk:
Yeah, it felt like they spent all of their money on the placement and on the stars and then just threw the rest together. And is that second picture really Shakira? The other two were recognizable, but Shakira is known for her curly hair, which does not come across at all in that portrait. I'm also never a fan of "hiding" the product until the end. C-.

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