Thursday, January 3, 2008

#5 Creativity's Most Viewed--Dove, Onslaught: B-

The beauty industry telling mothers to talk to their daughters before the beauty industry does. Wait, so you're telling us to talk to them before you do? Aren't you talking to them as we speak, pumping out commercial after commercial? Your attempt to clear your conscience is to warn us that you're bombarding our children with unhealthy advertising? Come on. The message seems really hypocritical coming from Unilever; the same company that owns SlimFast, Pond's, Axe and Lynx. Are you kidding me? Lynx!?

(and this is a nice one from Axe Mexico)

After thinking about it, I don't like the ad's message either. Seems to me the beauty industry is the only one looking out for the future of our young women, trying to help them become sexy, beautiful, successful ladies--instead of fat, pimpled disgusting slobs. I don't know about you, but I'll take a slightly anorexic bitch over an obese hairy cow. Thank you beauty industry.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

The first one is a PSA that I would have stopped watching 10 seconds in if I had not been forced to review it. F.

The second one has hot girls, although I came away thinking "AXE" not "Lynx". I don't even know what Lynx is. C-.