Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alltel Wireless, Terrible Campaign: F

I couldn't find the ad I just saw, but to sum it up: terrible. Not only do I hate each commercial in this campaign, but until I decided to review this should-have-been-aborted effort, I had no idea which company it was for. I knew it was mocking the other carriers, but since I had no idea who was doing the mocking, what's the point? Here's one I hate as much as any of the others:

I understand the concept; personify the other mobile phone companies as inept nerds, while casting yourself as the cool, hip, savior of the common person. The problem is, we don't know who you are. You spend half of your commercials talking about and "showing" your competitors, who, in my mind, are more evil, theiving bastards than bungling losers. And in my mind, Alltel doesn't even exist as an option. This campaign doesn't really help to change that. In my mind.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

I like it. I don't like the guy they try to make you think is "cool", but I do like the nerds. And right at the beginning, they say "Alltel". It's not great, but average. C+.