Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ford Hybrid -- Jerk Dad

I have a hard time watching this ad without getting completely furious. The dad is a COMPLETE jerk. Does he actually SEE or TALK to his family? In a normal family, if a new car is purchased, it's going to be news. "Hey guys, I bought a car today." "Oh yeah, what kind?" "One of those new Ford Hybrid SUV's". Why don't you act a little more sarcastic towards your daughter, jerk?

And also, is the girl so unobservant that she's never seen the big "Hybrid" label on the car?

On top of all that, as many times as I had seen this, I had no idea what type of car it was advertising.


1 comment:

the mouth said...

That girl is also on Californication. Nonetheless, the ad still sucks. This is the part I hate:

Daughter: Why didn't you ever talk about it before?

Dad: I never thought I had to talk about it.
