Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Do The Good Day: F-

I first saw a print ad for this while riding the subway. The ad literally had instructions:

1. push to the left, push to the right
2. roll forward, roll back
3. clap your hands

Not only is that a terrible dance, but there's no way you can believe their claim that "everybody's doing it." I would venture to say that no one is doing it. And no one will ever do it.

Then later--on Thanksgiving, of all days--I saw the abomination of a television commerical. Not only does it ensure that I will never, ever, in my life, do "the good day" or watch Good Day New York, but it also makes me want to gouge my eyes out and slam q-tips, which I do so love, deep into my ears.

What kind jackass sits back, pays for this production, sees the finished product and thinks to himself, you know what? We've done an excellent job here. I think this is going to boost our ratings. Even worse...it probably wasn't just one person. There was probably a team of go-getters sitting around a table giving one another handjobs in celebration of their brilliant creation. The only hope for this campaign is that I will one day wind up sipping whiskey next to a guy who laughs and says, "you'll never believe the absolute horseshit campaign I sold Good Day New York..." because it must be a joke.

If you didn't know this was going to get an F before, know it now.

F fucking F F F. F-.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

I just lost my lunch. And I've already eaten dinner.

Grade: F.