Monday, December 17, 2007

Skittles, Singing Rabbit: B+

Skittles sometimes strays from the :30 and :60 format and releases :45 second cuts of their commercials. In this case, it's perfect. 45 seconds of that strange and terrible singing is enough to let you know why he thought the trade was a mistake. The scene where he's sitting in his room in the dark, listening, makes the spot. But then they show a close up of the rabbit. Dumb. I hate animatronic talking animals (unless they're way over the top fake). And the ending is pretty poor. It would have been better if he had turned quietly away and started walking home with the singing rabbit, accepting his terrible fate. Or if he had thrown the rabbit in a dumpster.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

And why is that guy still eating his Skittles so many hours later? Those suckers are WAY gone by then. B-.