Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mac, Holiday Ad: B-

(image taken from Gary's Blog)

If five other companies weren't already running ripoffs of this Rudolph treatment, this would probably seem pretty clever. But I've seen at least two more--one is for insurance, I think, the other is for some terrible cell phone company. So Mac isn't exactly breaking new creative ground with this. Other than that, the writing and concept for this one fall short of their other efforts in this campaign (which I generally like). Usually the joke is based on some sort of truth; this is just a childish jab at PCs.

The only two good parts are the beginning when Santa sounds the harmonica and the "he see's you when your in sleep mode" line. If I didn't love Christmas so much, this would be more in the C or C+ range.

1 comment:

The Hawk said...

C. I generally like this campaign as well, and this one is simply average. You hit the highlights dead-on.