Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bud Light -- Super Bowl Ads

Bud Light came strong, or at least frequent, for the Super Bowl, and it was largely a trainwreck of advertising missteps, with only 2 above average grades.

The Mouth:

Going with quantity over quality was clearly the strategy here. Bud Light serves up a little of everything, so one of these is probably bound to be funny to most groups of people. For the most part, I thought this was a pretty weak effort this year.

Breathe Fire -- C+

This is an attempt at a lame joke that has nothing to do with the product. What in the hell does breathing fire have to do with drinking beer unless you're talking about the heartburn that comes after drinking nasty-ass Bud Light? Spots like these only work if they're funny, and this is not. At least they do a good job of branding, as far as mentioning and picturing the product up front.

The Mouth:

This concept has the potential to be really funny, as is displayed in the dog talking about sausages commercial. This one isn't that great, although I'm sure if they thought harder about it, they could have come up with a funnier situation for breathing fire. I'll agree with C+.

Wine and Cheese Party -- B

Now this one is clever and funny. Good job.

The Mouth:

Hard to argue with that. This one is dead on for the target audience. Man no like silly wine and cheese parties. B+.

Carlos Mencia -- Foreign accent -- F

One word: lazy. "Hey, let's show another of those Carlos Mencia spots." "Ehh, what the hell?" A) This campaign wasn't funny the first time around. B) I'm not sure how much star power Mencia actually has. C) The humor is lowbrow, if not offensive. Horrible.

The Mouth:

Yeah, this one is bad. I actually think I like the old one, where he's teaching the class to say "Give me a Bud Light." But this one is just plain lame. Although I will say, even though I don't ever watch his show or anything he does, Carlos Mencia seems to have some star power. D-, because I like the little fellow who says Buuude Light.

Cavemen -- D+

Why are those Geicko guys drinking Bud Light now? Umm... I think ya'll missed the memo: Cavemen are played out! Unoriginal and not funny.

The Mouth:

Oh, wait, I get it. They invent the wheel, then they use it to carry the beer instead of rolling it. Dumb, stupid and bad. I guess someone at Budweiser issued a mandate. "Those Geiko cavemen are popular, we need a caveman commercial in the Super Bowl this year. Cavemen are all the rage right now." No, they're not. F.

Flying man -- D-

See the above review of "Breathe fire". And honestly... he's alive in the terminal later on? We're not that dumb.

The Mouth:

I thought this was even worse than the fire breathing one. Is it even possible that they could have come up with something MORE predictable than having the guy get hit by a plane? I really don't think so. On Family Fued, if they showed the first half of this commercial and asked how it would end, there would only be one answer. 100 out of 100 people would guess "guy gets hit by plane." Ding ding ding ding. With the freedom that beer advertising gives creatives, whoever is responsible for this spot should be forced to write spots for the rest of his natural born life. Double F.

Will Ferrell as Jackie Moon -- A

This cross-promotional ad for Ferrell's upcoming movie, Semi-Pro, is a winner. In character, Ferrell is his usual funny self, dropping Bud Light-related one-liners. Good.

The Mouth:

Just Will doing what Will does. "A magical blend of barley, hops and delicious alcohol." Delicious indeed. A.

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