Sunday, February 3, 2008

Parents as Anti-Drug -- Drug Dealer -- F

Holy smokes, what a colossal blunder this was. What is the logic behind having a drug dealer, who is kind of likable, tell you his business sucks? Before you jump on me, I get it, the message is to parents, that they should watch their medicine cabinets. But you know who else was watching the game? Kids. Kids who heard, "if you want to get high for free, quit paying your dope dealer, all you need are some of your parents' pills." I mean, maybe we should also have also told parents, "you should especially not leave OxyContin, Valium, Zanax, Adderall, and Vicodin lying around, because when you take those, you can get a really nice buzz." Why not pass out lists of prescription drugs at schools? That'd be about as effective. Whatever happened to showing a kid with brain damage from drug abuse or a mom crying at a kid's funeral? Stop trying to be so clever. A down on his luck drug dealer is not going to win the war on drugs, idiots. F.

The Hawk:
Ha, I liked it, of course. At least the first time. But I didn't pay full attention -- I thought it was just saying, "don't blame the drug dealer for your kids doing drugs, blame yourself". Seems like that would have been a good message. Still, maybe this will still open the eyes of some parents? But the Mouth may be right, and it may open the eyes of just as many kids. Hmm... I'm not a parent, nor have I done drugs, so I'm not even close to the target demographic here, so it's too close to call. I'm going to take the cop out and go with C.

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