Sunday, February 3, 2008 -- Cartoons

The Mouth:
Do I even have to say this is bad? Did anyone pay attention to it, or did we all just tune it out thinking it was another commercial (which, by the way my grandma loves). What a monumental waste of $3,000,000. Do you know how much late night airtime you could have pulled for that kind of scratch? And that's when people who actually do sales are watching TV, thinking oh shit, I'm not going to make my quota, how can I get more sales? During the Super Bowl, the last thing some schmo with a lousy sales job wants to think about is how he's underperforming. No offense to all my friends with lousy sales jobs. F.

And while we're at it, let's throw in some stupid pandas with offensive Asian accents. F. Although I will say, there's about to be a boon in panda-centric advertising. Once Kung Fu Panda drops, it's going to be a panda bonanza.

The Hawk:
I don't think these are that bad. They are simple ads that -- get this -- advertise the product! Upon second watch I agree about the offensive accents, used in both, but I also agree that I am a sucker for pandas. C.

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