Sunday, February 3, 2008

Singing Contest Winner for ??? -- Super Bowl

The Mouth:
There was a contest? For what, for who? Why do I care? Waste of money. My associate couldn't even remember who sponsored this. I do, but only because I was so disappointed. Doritos. You have a brand known for doing fun commercials, commercials that people enjoy. And you generally can fit your product into that ad. And this is how you spend your money? Now, I'm sure there were all sorts of other components to this; live events, internet videos, etc. But during the Super Bowl, I just don't care. I vote we don't post the ad and give additional publicity to some girl singer I don't really ever need to see again. I also think iTunes may have had something to do with this. D-.

The Hawk:
Who? What? When I saw this, I thought I had accidentally changed the station to MTV2. This really wasn't even an ad, I guess, so maybe we shouldn't even review this. I had no clue what was going on. F.

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